The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare (Total Study Edition 3-in-1)
Item code: SL01
Selling at: $5.00
A Sense of Belonging - A Short Story Anthology, edited by John Stevens
Item code: SL02
Selling at: $5.00
Appreciating Poetry, Sadler-Hayllar-Powell
Item code: SL03
Original price: $10.00
Selling at: $6.00
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Item code: SL04
Original price: $9.90
Selling at: $5.00
An Inspector Calls, J.B. Priestley
Item code: SL05
Selling at: $4.00
Longman Atlas - Singapore and the World
Item code: SG01
Selling at: $7.50
Longman The New Reading Tropical Maps - Fifth Edition, R B Bunnett
Item code: SG02
Selling at: $7.50
Interactive Geography 3 and 4 (wrapped in plastic)
Item codes: SG03 and SG04 respectively
Selling at: $8.00 each, $14.00 for both
Interactive Geography, Activity Book 3 and 4, Valentine Fam and R B Bunnett
Item codes: SG05 and SG06 respectively
Selling at: $5.00 each, $8.50 for both
Longman Effective Guide to 'O' Level Human Geography + Physical Geography, Vincent Gabriel
Item codes: SG07 and SG08 respectively
Selling at: $4.00 each
Understanding Our Past - Singapore from Colony to Nation
Item code: SH01
Selling at: $3.50
The Living Past, Andrew Major
Item code: SH02
Original price: $13.95
Selling at: $6.50
President Yusof bin Ishak and the Portrait Notes
Item code: SH03
Selling at: $4.00
Upper Secondary Social Studies 3 and 4 (plastic wrapped)
Item codes: SS01 and SS02 respectively
Selling at: $5.00 each
Longman Social Studies Revision Guide (Sec 3), Goh Phay Yen
Item code: SS03
Selling at: $3.00